From Skin to Deep

The atmosphere is not the only thing that affects the ever-changing ocean. Using in-water measurement tools such as profiling floats, as well as satellite data from SMOS and Aquarius instruments during the SPURS mission cruises, Dr. Riser has examined salinity changes in the SPURS area from the surface of the water to the depths of the ocean. Ultimately, Dr. Riser is seeking to investigate long-term changes – by using a combination of observations from above and below. Dr. Riser describes how the Argo float program and new types of sensors deployed for the SPURS project have expanded the ability to study the ocean.

Click here for a transcript of the Q&A portion of this video (PDF, 86 KB).

Concept Map

Concept map
Concept map developed for this webinar by Dr. Stephen Riser.

Dr. Riser presented a concept map that explored two points: 1) tools such as Argo floats can help to provide a better picture of the ocean, and 2) the combination of new float technology with other tools deployed in SPURS (such as data from the Aquarius satellite) can contribute to seeing a full picture of the ocean, from "skin to deep".

Applicable Next Generation Science Standards

  • [HS-ESS2-5] Plan and conduct an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth materials and surface processes.
Interdependence of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Crosscutting Concept: Scientific discoveries about the natural world can often lead to new and improved technologies, which are developed through the engineering design process (3-PS2-4).
  • [3-PS2-4] Define a simple design problem that can be solved by applying scientific ideas about magnets.


  • The Argo Homepage [ARGO]
    Describes the project and provides links to buoy data - a great place to start looking at the Argo program
  • How To Use Argo Profile Files [ARGO]
    Learn how to get vertical profile data from Argo floats
  • Adopt a Float [SOCCOM]
    Partnering with teachers and classrooms across the country to inspire and educate students about the Southern Ocean and climate change through its "Adopt-A-Float" initiative
  • The Scripps Institution of Oceanography Argo Website [SCRIPPS]
    An easy-to-use site that brings you directly to the Argo data. Select the view that you want to see and then click on a buoy to reveal its data

About the Presenter

Stephen Riser 

From Skin to Deep
Presented by Dr. Stephen Riser - September 24, 2013
Dr. Stephen Riser is a Professor in the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington. His primary interests are in the ocean's role in climate, and in deducing the general circulation of the ocean and ocean/atmosphere/ice interactions through direct observations of the ocean circulation. He is also increasingly thinking about the interactions between physical aspects of the ocean circulation and biogeochemical properties of the ocean.