RSS (V5) |
JPL (V5) |
time |
Seconds of observation since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC |
row_time |
Approximate observation time for each SWC row as UTC seconds since 2015-01-01 0000 UTC |
cellat |
Geodetic latitude of grid cell |
lat |
Average latitude of all TB observations for each SWC |
cellon |
Longitude of grid cell |
lon |
Average longitude of all TB observations for each SWC |
eia |
Boresight Earth incidence angle |
inc_aft, inc_fore |
Average cell incidence angle of all aft and fore observations for each SWC, respectively {Q2}. |
eaa |
Boresight Earth azimuth angle |
azi_aft, azi_fore |
Average cell azimuth angle (clockwise relative North) of all aft and fore observations included for each SWC, respectively. |
zang |
Orbital position of spacecraft |
Use SMAP Project correction |
alpha |
Scan angle |
Use SMAP Project correction |
pra |
Polarization basis rotation angle, which is the angle between polarization basis of the spacecraft and polarization on the Earth |
Use SMAP Project correction |
sunglt |
Sun glint angle {Q5} |
Use SMAP Project correction |
monglt |
Moon glint angle {Q6} |
Use SMAP Project correction |
gallat |
Polar angle of specular reflection ray from boresight |
Use SMAP Project correction |
gallon |
Azimuthal angle of specular reflection from boresight |
Use SMAP Project correction |
sun-beta |
Sun azimuth angle in spacecraft coordinate system |
Use SMAP Project correction |
sun_alpha |
Sun azimuth angle in spacecraft coordinate system |
Use SMAP Project correction |
gland |
Land fraction weighted by antenna gain pattern [ODPS] {Q2} {Q8} {Q13} |
N/A |
fland |
Land fraction within footprint [ODPS] {Q2} {Q8} |
land_fraction_aft, land_fraction_fore |
Average land fraction of all aft and fore TB observations included in salinity/wind processing for each SWC, respectively {Q7} |
fice |
Sea ice fraction within footprint [RSS] {Q3} |
ice_concentration |
The ice concentration, averaged to approximately the SMAP resolution, for this SWC |
surtep |
Ancillary SST [CMC] {Q11} |
anc_sst |
Ancillary SST collocated to each SWC at the approximate time of SMAP observations [OI] {Q6} |
winspd |
Ancillary sea surface wind speed [CCMP] {Q12} |
anc_spd |
Ancillary wind speed multiplied by 1.03, collocated for each SWC at the approximate time of SMAP observations [GFS] {Q5} |
windir |
Ancillary wind direction [CCMP] |
anc_dir |
Ancillary wind direction collocated to each SWC at the approximate time of the SMAP observations [GFS] |
N/A |
anc_swh |
Ancillary significant wave height collocated to each SWC at the approximate time of the SMAP observations [WaveWatch III] |
tran |
Total atmospheric transmittance [GDAS] |
Use SMAP Project correction |
tbup |
Atmospheric upwelling TB [GDAS] |
Use SMAP Project correction |
tbdw |
Atmospheric downwelling TB [GDAS] |
Use SMAP Project correction |
rain |
Rain rate resampled to SMAP spatial resolutions (i.e., 40 km, 70 km) [IMERG] {Q15} |
Use SMAP Project correction |
solar_flux |
Ancillary mean solar flux [SWPC] |
Use SMAP Project correction |
1ta_ant_filtered |
SMAP RFI filtered TA (this is the basic input from SMAP L1B TB files) |
Use SMAP Project correction |
ta_ant_unfiltered |
SMAP unfiltered TA |
Use SMAP Project correction |
2ta_ant_ calibrated |
SMAP TA after correcting for the emissive antenna and after applying the Ocean Target Calibration |
Use SMAP Project correction |
3ta_earth |
SMAP TA after correcting for celestial intrusions, cold space (spillover), galaxy (direct and reflected), sun (direct and reflected), moon (reflected) |
Use SMAP Project correction |
4tb_toi |
SMAP top-of-the-ionosphere TB |
Use SMAP Project correction |
5tb_toa |
SMAP top-of-the-atmosphere TB before applying land correction |
Use SMAP Project correction |
6tb_toa_lc |
SMAP top-of-the-atmosphere TB after applying land correction |
Use SMAP Project correction |
ta_lnd |
SMAP sidelobe correction for land intrusion |
Use SMAP Project correction |
7tb_sur |
SMAP TB at rough ocean surface before applying roughness correction [CCMP] |
Use SMAP Project correction |
8tb_sur0 |
SMAP TB at flat ocean surface after applying roughness correction [CCMP] |
Use SMAP Project correction |
N/A |
tb_h_aft, tb_h_fore, tb_v_aft, tb_v_fore |
Aggregated TB for the four "flavors" of each SWC (i.e., Aft H-pol, Fore H-pol, Aft V-pol, and Fore V-pol) |
N/A |
tb_h_bias_adj, tb_v bias_adj |
TB bias adjustment for each SWC (H-pol, V-pol) |
temp_ant |
Physical temperature of the SMAP mesh antenna from JPL thermal model |
Use SMAP Project correction |
dtemp_ant |
Empirical correction to the physical temperature of the SMAP mesh antenna |
Use SMAP Project correction |
ta_sun_dir |
TA of direct sun intrusion |
Use SMAP Project correction |
ta_sun_ref |
TA of reflected sun intrusion |
Use SMAP Project correction |
ta_gal_dir |
TA of direct galaxy intrusion |
Use SMAP Project correction |
ta_gal_ref |
TA of reflected galaxy intrusion {Q7} |
Use SMAP Project correction |
9sss_smap |
SMAP sea surface salinity smoothed to ~70km resolution. This is the standard/default product for science applications. |
smap_sss |
SMAP-retrieved sea surface salinity using the combined SSS/WSPD retrieval algorithm |
N/A |
Note that RSS includes uncertainty data in its L3 product. |
smap_sss_uncertainty |
Predicted SMAP SSS uncertainty obtained by computing the full width at half maximum from objective function around the retrieved SSS and WSPD values |
sss_smap_40km |
SMAP sea surface salinity at original 40-km resolution |
N/A |
tb_consistency |
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) in SSS retrieval algorithm {Q10} |
N/A |
N/A |
smap_spd |
SMAP-retrieved wind speed using the combined SSS/WSPD retrieval algorithm |
N/A |
smap_high_spd |
SMAP retrieved wind speed using an algorithm that presumes the ancillary SSS; allows for higher wind speed retrievals in regions where the ancillary WSPD may not capture the high wind speeds (i.e., tropical storms) {Q9} |
N/A |
smap_high_dir, smap_high_dir_smooth |
SMAP retrieved wind direction using an algorithm that presumes the ancillary SSS and with smoothing, respectively |
N/A |
smap_ambiguity_spd, smap_ambiguity_dir |
Contains up to 4 wind speed and duration ambiguities obtained in the SMAP high wind algorithm that presumes the ancillary SSS |
N/A |
num_ambiguties |
Number of ambiguity wind vectors obtain in SMAP high winds algorithm |
iqc_flag |
32-bit quality control flag (See Quality Flags) |
quality_flag |
Quality flag for that particular SWC (See Quality Flags) |
sss_ref |
Ancillary reference sea surface salinity [HYCOM] |
anc_sss |
Ancillary SSS collocated for each SWC at the approximate time of the SMAP observations [HYCOM] |
ta_ant_exp |
TA expected before any losses; to be compared with 2ta_ant_calibrated [HYCOM] |
N/A |
tb_sur0_exp |
Expected flat surface TB; to be compared with 8tb_sur0 [HYCOM] |
N/A |
pratot_exp |
Expected total polarization rotation angle = geometric part + Faraday rotation [TEC] |
N/A |