February 18-23, 2024
New Orleans, LA USA
https://www.agu.org/ocean-sciences-meetingThe Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences and the larger ocean-connected community. The meeting welcomes a diverse community of scientists, students, journalists, policymakers, educators and organizations who are working toward a world where our global collaborations and partnerships can carry us into a sustainable future.
The Ocean Sciences Meeting is an Endorsed Decade Action program with the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
DocumentsJune 6-9, 2022
Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA
With over 100 participants, the Ocean Salinity Conference 2022 fostered scientific exchanges and collaborations in the broad community involved in ocean salinity science, applications, technology development, product services, and community building. This was part of a series of international salinity community meetings (Brest, France - 2013; Exeter, UK - 2014; Hamburg, Germany - 2015; Falmouth/MA, USA - 2017; and Paris, France - 2018). The group reviewed recent progress, identified knowledge and capability gaps, and charted the way forward to sustain and enhance the ocean salinity observing system as well as to maximize the value of the resulting measurements.
See full archive of this meeting including links to presentation videos. »
Summary Report |
Agenda |
DocumentsFebruary 16-21, 2020
San Diego, CA USA
https://www.agu.org/Ocean-Sciences-MeetingThe Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences and the larger ocean-connected community. As we approach the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, beginning in 2021, it is increasingly important to gather as a scientific community to raise awareness of the truly global dimension of the ocean, address environmental challenges, and set forth on a path towards a resilient planet.
There will be a salinity-focused session on Tuesday, 18-Feb-20:
Ocean Salinity in Support of Scientific and Environmental Demands. This session will highlight the importance of salinity in oceanographic studies and environmental applications. Topics will include the role of salinity in enhancing our knowledge of Earth system interaction; linkages between the ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, and land, including hydrological and biogeochemical cycles; ocean circulation; and climate variability and predictability.
DocumentsDecember 9-13, 2019
San Francisco, CA USA
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm19/meetingapp.cgi/Session/89221Please join us at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting 2019 for our session
The global water cycle: coupling and exchanges between the ocean, land, and atmosphere. The conference runs Monday to Friday 9-13 December 2019, San Francisco, California, USA. View posters
This session highlights water cycle research that describes the linkages between the ocean, atmosphere, and land hydrology. Contributions are invited on all aspects of water cycle research including analyses undertaken using
in situ and spaceborne observations from current (e.g., SMAP, SMOS, GRACE-FO, GPM, GCOM-W), past (e.g., Aquarius, TRMM, GRACE), and future (e.g., SWOT, CIMR) satellite missions, estimates based on numerical models, data assimilation systems, as well as climate model projections and theoretical contributions. We particularly welcome studies that consider multiple realms (the ocean, atmosphere, land surface and subsurface), and provide compelling evidence for linkages between these, describing coherent water cycle variability and change. We welcome global and regional assessments across these interfaces, and contributions that demonstrate what needs to be observed to ensure that long-term changes in the water cycle are accurately quantified.
September 16-20, 2019
Honolulu, HI USA
http://www.oceanobs19.netThe OceanObs'19 conference is a community-driven conference that brings people from all over the planet together to communicate the decadal progress of ocean observing networks and to chart innovative solutions to society's growing needs for ocean information in the coming decade.
December 10-14, 2018
Washington, D.C. USA
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm18/meetingapp.cgi/Home/0The American Geophysical Union's 2018 Fall Meeting, held in Washington, D.C., focused on ethics, diversity and inclusion and explored the many dimensions of science's impact on society. Presentations and posters relating to ocean salinity are compiled here.
DocumentsNovember 6-9, 2018
Paris, France
https://nikal.eventsair.com/QuickEventWebsitePortal/2018-ocean-salinity-science-conference/esa-2018Ocean salinity is a key parameter that links various elements of the water cycle to ocean circulation dynamics and climate. Through the advent of innovative observing technologies, salinity research has gained much attention over recent years, leading to a rapidly-growing list of new insights. This conference brought together communities working on many aspects of ocean salinity, including in situ and satellite observations, numerical models, and data assimilation. Recent results and future work were also discussed.
Summary Report |
Agenda |
DocumentsFebruary 11-16, 2018
Portland, OR USA
https://agu.confex.com/agu/os18/meetingapp.cgiThe 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM), co-sponsored by the American Geophysical Union, the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, and The Oceanography Society, was held February 11-16 in Portland, Oregon. The OSM is an important venue for scientific exchange across broad marine science disciplines. Sessions addressed all aspects of oceanography, especially multidisciplinary topics, as well as presentations that reflect new and emerging research on the global ocean and society, including science education, outreach, and public policy. View the
scientific program.
DocumentsDecember 12-16, 2016
San Francisco, CA USA
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm16/meetingapp.cgi/Index/ChannelA collection of presentations and poster abstracts from the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, held in San Francisco, California on December 12-16. Presentations and posters in ocean science sessions, including "Ocean Salinity, Water Cycle Variability, and Science Results from Satellite Measurements" are featured.
Agenda |
DocumentsFebruary 21-26, 2016
New Orleans, LA USA
https://agu.confex.com/agu/os16/meetingapp.cgiThe 2016 Ocean Sciences meeting covered topics in all areas of the ocean sciences discipline. More than 50 presentations and posters referenced Aquarius and/or ocean salinity. Content focused on data analysis, global observations, and trend evaluation. View the
scientific program.
DocumentsDecember 15-19, 2014
San Francisco, CA USA
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm14/meetingapp.cgi/Forty six presentations and posters were featured during four "Ocean Salinity and Water Cycle Variability and Change" sessions at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Held on Thursday, December 18th, presentations included science results from the initial 3-year prime mission; an overview of SMOS salinity; details on algorithms, validation and applications of the Aquarius sensor; mixed layer variability and subduction in the SPURS Area; and ocean-to-ocean dissimilarities of salty subtropical surface water. View the
program book.
DocumentsFebruary 23-28, 2014
Honolulu, HI USA
Held at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in February 2014, the
Ocean Salinity and Water Cycle Variability and Change Session (073) highlighted a wide range of current research investigating ocean variability and change related to ocean salinity, an important driver of ocean circulation and a key indicator of the global water cycle. Content was focused on observing platforms that provide comprehensive salinity data while extending the scope of ocean and climate research such as the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) satellite (launched in November 2009) and the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite (launched in June 2011). These satellite observations are complemented by in-situ observations from the Argo array, which measures sub-surface salinity (and temperature) and the process-oriented field experiment SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study, 2012-2013) in the salinity maximum of the North Atlantic.
These recent observations, along with historical measurements, are revolutionizing the view of the ocean on short (hourly, daily to seasonal) and longer (climate, >30-year) timescales. The session involved studies on oceanic variability and change, using observational and model-based approaches, over all timescales and with a key focus on salinity along with temperature and other ocean-state variables.
DocumentsDecember 3-7, 2012
San Francisco, CA USA
https://abstractsearch.agu.org/meetings/2012/FM.htmlSixteen oral presentations were featured during two "Science Results from the Aquarius and SMOS Ocean Salinity Missions" sessions at the 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Held on Monday, December 3rd, presentations included: early results from the first 15 months of Aquarius data; inter-comparisons between Aquarius and the European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite; details on algorithms, calibration, and validation of both sensors; and information about complementary in-water programs such as Argo and Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study (SPURS).
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