Aquarius/SMAP Optimum Interpolation Maps: SSS Climatology

The sea surface salinity (SSS) optimum interpolation (OI) product combines observations from NASA's Aquarius/SAC-D and Soil Moisture Active-Passive (SMAP) satellite missions into a continuous and consistent multi-satellite SSS data record. View salinity maps.

Thanks to this long, continuous data record, it is possible to compute monthly climatology data. Climatology data are computed over more than a decade. In addition, anomaly data are computed relative to the OI SSS product-based monthly climatology (view anomaly maps).

Melnichenko, O., P. Hacker., N. Maximenko, G. Lagerloef, and J. Potemra (2016), Optimum interpolation analysis of Aquarius sea surface salinity, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, 602-616, doi:10.1002/2015JC011343.
Multi-Mission OISSS Global Dataset V2 (PO.DAAC): Weekly | Monthly
OISSS Overview (Earth and Space Research, ESR)
OISSS Data Access (ESR)
OISSS Documentation (ESR)

Click on the images (below) for a closer view. From there, you can click the left/right arrows to move from month to month.

Global composite map of sea surface salinity, October 2011-2020
October 2011-2021
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, November 2011-2020
November 2011-2021
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, December 2011-2020
December 2011-2021
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, January 2012-2021
January 2012-2022
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, February 2012-2021
February 2012-2022
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, March 2012-2022
March 2012-2022
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, April 2012-2022
April 2012-2022
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, May 2012-2022
May 2012-2022
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, June 2012-2022
June 2012-2022
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, July 2012-2022
July 2012-2022
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, August 2012-2022
August 2012-2022
Global composite map of sea surface salinity, September 2011-2021
September 2011-2022