
AcronymWord or Phrase Acronym Stands For
°CDegrees Celsius
AAASAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science
ACDDAttribute Conventions for Data Discovery
ACSAmerican Chemical Society
ADPSAquarius Data Processing System
ADVICEAquarius Data Visualization, Interpretation, Communication & Engagement
AETDApplied Engineering & Technology Directorate
AGUAmerican Geophysical Union
AICBAquarius Instrument Connector Bracket
AMOCAtlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
AMSAmerican Meteorological Society
AMSRAdvanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer
AMSR-EAdvanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS
ARAugmented Reality
ARCAerospace Research Central
ASIAgenzia Spaziale Italiana
ATBDAlgorithm Theoreotical Basis Document
ATCActive Thermal Control
AVHRRAdvanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
BECBarcelona Expert Center
BECBarcelona Expert Center
BTBrightness Temperature
CAPCombined Active Passive
CCMPCross-Calibrated Multi-Platform
CFClimate Forecast
CINDYCooperative Indian Ocean Experiment on Intraseasonal Variability
CLIVARClimate Variability and Predictability
CMCCanadian Meteorological Center
CMIPCoupled Model Intercomparison Project
CMORPHCPC MORPHing technique
CMSCatalina Marine Society
CNESCentre National d'Etudes Spatiales
CO2Carbon Dioxide
CONAEComisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales
CryoSatCryogenic Satellite
CUSSCustomer User Segment Service
DCSData Collection System
DPUDigital Processing Unit
DRDeflection Ratio
DTICDefense Technical Information Center
DYNAMODynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
ECMWFEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
EDTEastern Daylight Time
EGUEuropean Geoscience Union General Assembly
ENNEnvironmental News Network
ENSOEl Niño/Southern Oscillation
EOSNASA's Earth Observing System
EOSDISEarth Observing System Data and Information System
EOSDIS Data Processing LevelsEarth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) data products are processed at various levels, from 0 to 4
EOSPSOEOS Project Science Office
EPOEducation and Public Outreach
ESREarth & Space Research
ESSPEarth System Science Pathfinder
FAQsFrequently Asked Questions
FOTFlight Operations Team
FPPDFlight Program & Projects Directorate
FSWScatterometer Flight SoftWare
GDASGlobal Data Assimilation System
GEWEXGlobal Energy and Water Exchanges
GFSGlobal Forecast System
GHRSSTGroup for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
GLDASGlobal Land Data Assimilation System
GMFGeophysical Model Function
GoMGulf of Mexico
GRACEGravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
GSEGround Support Equipment
GSFCGoddard Space Flight Center
HiTIDEHigh-level Tool for Interactive Data Extraction
HSCHigh Sensitivity Camera
HYCOMHybrid Coordinate Ocean Model
ICDSInstrument Control and Data System
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFREMERFrançais de Recherche Pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
IGARSSInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
IGSInternational GPS Service for Geodynamics
IMERGIntegrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM
INPEInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
IONEXIONosphere Map EXchange
IPRCInternational Pacific Research Center
IRInter-Research Science Center
ISPRSInternational Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
ITCZInter Tropical Convergence Zone
JCOPE2Japan Coastal Ocean Predictability Experiment
JGRJournal of Geophysical Research
JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory
JSTARSJournal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
KFASKorean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
L0EOSDIS Data Level 0 - Reconstructed, unprocessed instrument and payload data at full resolution, with any and all communications artifacts (e.g., synchronization frames, communications headers, duplicate data) removed.
L1EOSDIS Data Level 1 - Reconstructed, unprocessed instrument data at full resolution, time-referenced, and annotated with ancillary information, including radiometric and geometric calibration coefficients and georeferencing parameters
L2EOSDIS Data Level 2 - Derived geophysical variables at the same resolution and location as Level 1 source data.
L3EOSDIS Data Level 3 - Variables mapped on uniform space-time grid scales, usually with some completeness and consistency.
L4EOSDIS Data Level 4 - Model output or results from analyses of lower-level data (e.g., variables derived from multiple measurements).
LASLive Access Server
LCLoop Current
LDMLower Deployment Mechanism
LIT-INPELaboratório de Integração e Testes - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
LOCEANLaboratory of Oceanography and Climatology
LPTLimited Performance Test
LVALaunch Vehicle Adapter
MCMaritime Continent
MDPIMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
MERRAModern-era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications
MicroRadMicrowave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment
MinCyTArgentine Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovative Production
MODISModerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
MOMModular Ocean Model
MWRMicrowave Radiometer
NAAEENorth American Association for Environmental Education
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA SeaDASNASA SeaDAS is a comprehensive software package for processing, display, analysis, and quality control of remote-sensing Earth data, and the official distribution point of the NASA OBPG Science Software
NCEPNational Centers for Environmental Prediction
NECCNorth Equatorial Counter Current
NEONASA Earth Observations
netCDFNetwork Common Data Form
NGSSNext Generation Science Standards
NIOSTNorthern Indian Ocean Salt Transport
NIRSTNew Infrared Sensor Technology
NMM3DNumerical Maxwell's Model in 3-D
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NSESNational Science Education Standards
NSIDCNational Snow and Ice Data Center
NSPIRESNASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System
OAFluxObjectively Analyzed air-sea Fluxes
OBPGOcean Biology Processing Group
OCOOrbiting Carbon Observatory
ODPSOcean Data Processing System
OIOptimum Interpolation
OISSSOptimally Interpolated Sea Surface Salinity
OLSOcean Literacy Standards
OPeNDAPOpen-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol
OSCAROcean Surface Current Analyses - Real time
OSI SAFOcean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility
OSMOcean Sciences Meeting
OSSTOcean Salinity Science Team
PALSPassive-Active L- and S-band
PDFPortable Document Format
PDTPacific Daylight Time
PIPrincipal Investigator
Pi-MEPPilot-Mission Exploitation Platform
PLARPost Launch Assessment Review
PO.DAACPhysical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
PSSPractical Salinity Scale
PSUPractical Salinity Units
RAMAResearch Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction
RFIRadio Frequency Interference
RIMRain Impact Model
RMetSRoyal Meteorological Society
RSSRemote Sensing Systems
RTURemote Terminal Unit
S-maxSalinity maximum
S/PService Platform
SACSatellite for Scientific Applications
SARALSatellite with Argos and Altika
SCPSalinity Continuity Project
SeaDASSEAWIFS Data Analysis System
SEATSSouthEast Asian Time-series Study
SISSSatellite & In Situ Salinity
SMAPSoil Moisture Active/Passive
SMOSSoil Moisture and Ocean Salinity
SODASimple Ocean Data Assimilation
SOTOState of the Ocean
SpPractical salinity
SPCZSouth Pacific Convergence Zone
SPURSSalinity Processes in the upper Ocean Regional Study
SSMISpecial Sensor Microwave Imager
SSPASolid State Power Amplifier
SSSSea Surface Salinity
SSTSea Surface Temperature
STEMScience, Technology, Math and Engineering
STUWSubtropical Underwater
SVSScientific Visualization Studio
SWCSalinity Wind Cell
SWPCSpace Weather Prediction Center
TBBrightness Temperature
TECTotal Electron Content
THREDDSThematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services
TIWTropical Instability Wave
TOPAZTracking Operation Pre-Amplifier Zone
TOPEXOcean Topography Experiment
TOSThe Oceanography Society
TRMMTropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
UDMUpper Deployment Mechanism
USDSUnited States Department of State
UTUniversal Time
VAFBVandenberg Air Force Base
VC-HSVisibly Clean - Highly Sensitive
VIIRSVisible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
WHOIWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WODWorld Ocean Database
WSPDWind Speed