
This gallery displays e-brochures, movies, images, storymaps, podcasts, and slideshows relevant to NASA's salinity missions. Click on the images for enlarged views or to play e-brochures, movies and podcasts. Click on the [more] links for additional information.
Ocean cross section
Adding a Pinch of Salt Improves El Niño Models
Bottlenose dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphins & Bull Sharks
Brine pool
Brine Pools
Evaporation pond
Evaporation Ponds
Hydrothermal vent
Hydrothermal Vents
Salmon and American eel
Salmon & American Eel
Sea ice
Sea Ice Communities
Ocean Salinity from Space
Sea Surface Salinity 8-Day Running Mean from SMAP RSS V6.0 (2015-2024) [more]
Parametrized Rain Impact Model for SMAP L2 V1.0 [more]
Multi-Mission Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Salinity 7-Day Level-4 Dataset V2.0 [more]
Multi-Mission Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Salinity Monthly Level 4 Dataset V2.0 [more]
Sea Surface Salinity from SMAP RSS Level 3 V5 (2015-2022) [more]
Saildrone 2021 Arctic field campaign for the Multi-Sensor Improved SST (MISST) project [more]
A Decade of Sea Surface Salinity [more]
Using Salinity to Predict Midwest Heavy Rainfall (Weather Channel Interview)
Using Salinity to Predict Midwest Heavy Rainfall (Weather Channel Interview) [more]
Animation: Multi-Mission Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Salinity Monthly L4 Global Dataset V1 [more]
Global view of salinity and soil moisture
SMAP Sea Surface Salinity & Soil Moisture [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
SMAP Sea Surface Salinity [more]
Global view of soil moisture
SMAP Soil Moisture [more]
Movie cover (galaxy background)
Sea Surface Salinity Comparison from ECCO and SMAP JPL (2015-2017) [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
Multi-Mission Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Salinity 7-Day L4 Global Dataset V1 [more]
Saildrone overlay SMAP SSS map
Saildrone ATOMIC Field Campaign Along-track Measurement Data - SST and SSS Observations (SD1026) [more]
Saildrone overlay SMAP SSS map
Saildrone ATOMIC Field Campaign Along-track Measurement Data - SST and SSS Observations (SD1060) [more]
Saildrone overlay SMAP SSS map
Saildrone ATOMIC Field Campaign Along-track Measurement Data - SST and SSS Observations (SD1061) [more]
Survey track and measurement data of Saildrone track 1037
Saildrone Arctic Along-track Measurement Data [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
Earth Day 2020: Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) from August 2011 through July 2014 [more]
Comparison of Saildrone in situ and satellite data during the SPURS-2 campaign
Saildrone SPURS-2 Data Animation [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
Sea Surface Salinity from SMAP RSS V4 (2015-2019) [more]
Global maps showing the relationship between precipitation, soil moisture, and salinity
Soil Moisture, Salinity and Precipitation [more]
Comparison of 8-day soil moisture and sea surface salinity averages with precipitation
Soil Moisture, Salinity and Precipitation, Mid-west U.S. [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity response to 2018 Atlantic hurricane season
Sea Surface Salinity Response to 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season [more]
Global map of salinity and soil moisture data
SMAP Salinity / Soil Moisture Animation: April 2015 to June 2019 [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity and soil moisture
SMAP Sea Surface Salinity and Soil Moisture Time Lapse [more]
Multi-globe view of sea surface temperature
ENSO Teleconnections in South East Asia [more]
Global sea surface salinity
SMAP JPL v4.2 SSS Animation [more]
Salinity and temperature data
Saildrone Data Animation from Baja Campaign [more]
SMAP hurricane response
NASA's SMAP Mission Captures the Land/Ocean Response to 2017 Hurricanes [more]
Video cover: Earth's water cycle
Earth's Water Cycle [more]
Global sea surface salinity
Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Salinity (OISS) Animation [more]
Plot of the Oceanic Niño Index from 1950-2018
Oceanic Niño Index [more]
Amazon plume
Amazon River Freshwater Discharge [more]
Global sea surface salinity
RSS SMAP Sea Surface Salinity 70km 8-Day Global Animation [more]
Sea surface temperature and ocean currents during El Niño
Tracking El Niño [more]
SMAP in Earth orbit
SMAP in Earth Orbit [more]
Visualization of ocean currents
Ocean Surface and Deep Currents [more]
Global map of sea surface density
Aquarius Sea Surface Density [more]
Global map of sea surface density
Aquarius Sea Surface Density (Mollweide) [more]
Global map of sea surface temperature
Aquarius Sea Surface Temperature [more]
Global map of sea surface temperature
Aquarius Sea Surface Temperature (Mollweide) [more]
Video cover: the ocean: a driving force for weather and climate
The Ocean: A Driving Force for Weather and Climate [more]
Global map of sea surface alkalinity
Ocean Alkalinity, 2011 to 2015 [more]
Global view of sea surface temperature
ENSO Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies [more]
Global map of sea surface salinity
Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity, 2011-2015 (Flat Map) [more]
Global map of sea surface salinity
Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity, 2011-2015 (Mollweide) [more]
SMAP satellite
Launch, Deploy and Scan Pattern of the SMAP Satellite [more]
Variability in global sea surface temperature anomalies, ESO timeline, and infection disease outbreaks
Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies and Patterns of Global Disease Outbreaks: 2009-2018 [more]
NASA’s Aquarius satellite data shows how ocean salinity (saltiness) changes during the year
NASA On Air: NASA Tracks Amazon Plume and Ocean Salinity
Global sea surface salinity
Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity, 2011-2014 (Rotating Globe) [more]
Global sea surface salinity
Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity, 2011-2014 (Flat Map) [more]
Global map of soil moisture
Aquarius Soil Moisture (Narrated) [more]
Global map of soil moisture
Aquarius Soil Moisture [more]
Global map of soil moisture
Aquarius Soil Moisture [more]
Global wind speed
Seasonal Variation of Wind Speed [more]
Dr. Gary Lagerloef
KCTS Interview with Gary Lagerloef, Part 1 [more]
Artist’s depiction of the Aquarius satellite
KCTS Interview with Gary Lagerloef, Part 2 [more]
Satellites currently observing Earth systems
KCTS Interview with Gary Lagerloef, Part 3 [more]
KCTS Public Television interviews Gary Lagerloef
KCTS Interview with Gary Lagerloef, Part 4 [more]
KCTS Public Television interviews Gary Lagerloef
KCTS Interview with Gary Lagerloef, Part 5 [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
Composite Movie Showing the First Year of Aquarius Data
Flat map projection of Aquarius sea surface salinity
Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Flat Maps 2012 [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
Changes in Global Sea Surface Salinity [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Tour 2012 (Spanish Language) [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Tour 2012 (English Language) [more]
Surface currents on the Atlantic Ocean
Perpetual Ocean [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
Global View of Sea Surface Salinity From September to December 2011 [more]
Ocean currents
Temperature and Surface Currents: Atlantic & Eastern Pacific Ocean [more]
Ocean currents
Temperature and Surface Currents: Indian & Western Pacific Ocean [more]
Orbits of NASA’s fleet of Earth remote sensing observatories in November 2011
Hyperwall Show: Earth Observing Fleet with Suomi NPP and Aquarius [more]
Thermohaline circulation
Thermohaline Circulation Using Improved Flow Field [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
Aquarius Yields NASA’s First Global Map of Ocean Salinity [more]
Data swaths made by the Aquarius instrument
Collection of Data Swaths Using the Aquarius Instrument [more]
Global view of sea surface salinity
Large Scale Salinity Distribution Features Measured by Aquarius [more]
Woman meditating by the sea
The Power of Sea Salt [more]
Aquarius/SAC-D soars into orbit
Launch of Aquarius! (YouTube) [more]
Movie title page
Aquarius Launch Update: Episode 5 [more]
Movie title page
Aquarius/SAC-D Delta II Post-Launch News Conference (UStream)
Movie title page
NASA Aquarius Mission Launch (UStream)
Movie title page
Aquarius Prepares for Launch: Episode 4 [more]
Eric Lindstrom
Aquarius Pre-Launch News Conference and Science Briefing (UStream)
Movie title page
Aquarius Prepares for Launch: Episode 3 [more]
Movie title page
Aquarius Prepares for Launch: Episode 2 [more]
Movie title page
Aquarius Pre-Launch Briefing From NASA HQ (UStream)
Movie title page
Aquarius: Studying the Salt of the Sea [more]
Ocean circulation
Ocean Circulation [more]
Artist depiction of the Aquarius satellite in orbit
Aquarius Satellite & Data Pre-launch Beauty Shot [more]
Artist depiction of the Aquarius satellite in orbit
Aquarius [more]
Ocean view
Water Cycle [more]
Ocean view
Climate [more]
Movie title page
Aquarius Prepares for Launch: Episode 1 [more]
Susan Lozier
Importance of Salinity [more]
Susan Lozier
Fluids that Moderate Climate [more]
Susan Lozier
Salinity and Climate [more]
Earth’s temperature as seen from space
Satellites View Earth in a Different Light [more]
Ocean view at sunset
Monitoring Impacts By Satellite [more]
Satellite view of Earth
Viewing Phytoplankton From Space [more]
Susan Lozier
Excitement About Aquarius Launch [more]
Susan Lozier
Aquarius Satellite Sensor [more]
Susan Lozier
How Aquarius Works [more]
Susan Lozier
Oceanographers Will "Catch Up" [more]
Movie cover (clouds)
Climate Change and the Global Ocean [more]
Susan Lozier
Getting the Full Picture [more]
Susan Lozier
Ocean Overturning and Heat Distribution [more]
Waves along the shore
Viewing Ocean Change by Satellite [more]
Susan Lozier
Geographic Variation in Salinity [more]
Susan Lozier
Density Effects [more]
Salt of the Earth: Salinity, Temperature & Density [more]
Ocean circulation
Salt of the Earth: Ocean Atmosphere Circulation Helps Moderate Climate [more]
Kayaker on the ocean
Salt of the Earth: Climate Change Impacts on Salinity [more]
Melting ice
Melting Ice, Rising Seas: Global Warming & Ocean Change [more]
Research station
Melting Ice, Rising Seas: Studying Change in Ice Sheets & Glaciers [more]
Sea ice
Melting Ice, Rising Seas: Ice Melt & Sea Level Rise [more]
Melting ice
Melting Ice, Rising Seas: Coastal Impacts of Sea Level Rise [more]
Movie cover page (ice sheet)
Melting Ice, Rising Seas [more]
Salt shakers
Salt of the Earth [more]
Rain along the coast
Water, Water Everywhere: Condensation & Precipitation [more]
Water, Water Everywhere: Sun Fuels Evaporation [more]
Artist’s depiction of the water cycle
The Water Cycle [more]
Lake bed
Water, Water Everywhere: Water Cycle & Climate Change [more]
Movie cover (shoreline)
Water, Water Everywhere! [more]
Carbon dioxide molecules
Keeping Up With Carbon [more]
Ocean circulation
Thermohaline Circulation - The Great Ocean Conveyor Belt [more]
Sea Surface Density [more]
Sea Surface Temperature [more]
Sea Surface Salinity [more]
Block diagram of the water cycle
The Carbon Cycle [more]
Animation showing locations of the ARGO buoy array
ARGO Float Animation [more]
Indian Ocean dipole diagram
Indian Ocean Dipole [more]
Sea surface temperature departures from average across the Indian Ocean
Strong Positive Indian Ocean Dipole Event, May-Dec 2019 [more]
Indian Ocean Dipole, neutral phase
Indian Ocean Dipole Neutral Phase [more]
Indian Ocean Dipole, negative phase
Indian Ocean Dipole Negative Phase [more]
Indian Ocean Dipole, positive phase
Indian Ocean Dipole Positive Phase [more]
Indian Ocean Dipole diagram
Global Heating Supercharging Indian Ocean Climate System [more]
Maps of soil moisture, salinity and precipitation over the Indian subcontinent
Soil Moisture, Salinity and Precipitation, Indian Subcontinent [more]
Aquarius Mission composite image: 25-Aug-11 to 05-May-15
Aquarius Mission Composite Image: 25-Aug-11 to 05-May-15 [more]
SMAP measurement geometry showing radiometer and low-resolution radar swath
SMAP Measurement Geometry Showing Radiometer and Low-Resolution Swath [more]
Radiometer measurement geometry of the Aquarius sensor
Radiometer Measurement Geometry of the Aquarius Sensor [more]
Diagram of the location of Earth's water
Where is the Water on Earth? [more]
Composite image of sea surface salinity
Aquarius Mission Composite Image: 25-Aug-11 to 05-May-15 [more]
Major constituents of seawater
Major Constituents of Seawater [more]
SMAP instrument
SMAP Instrument [more]
Swath size cut by the RADAR and radiometer on SMAP
SMAP Antenna Beam Footprint [more]
MJO diagram
Madden-Julian Oscillation [more]
SMAP sea surface salinity data
SMAP Sea Surface Salinity - June 12, 2015 [more]
Aquarius AGU 2015
Aquarius at AGU 2015 - Hyperwall [more]
2012 Global ocean surface salinity map
Long Term Composite Image: 01-Jan-12 to 31-Dec-12 [more]
Indian Ocean Dipole positive phase diagram
Indian Ocean Dipole "Positive" Phase [more]
Aquarius/SAC-D logo
Aquarius/SAC-D Logo [more]
Long-term composite image: 25-Aug-11 to 07-Jul-12
Long-Term Composite Image: 25-Aug-11 to 07-Jul-12 [more]
Ocean salinity structure
Aquarius Satellite Maps Ocean Salinity Structure [more]
Aquarius/SAC-D tracks
Aquarius/SAC-D Tracks [more]
Brightness temperature vs. sea surface temperature
Brightness Temperature vs. Sea Surface Temperature [more]
Ground station in Córdoba, Argentina (view at night)
Ground Station in Córdoba, Argentina (View at Night) [more]
Three-month average composite global image of sea surface salinity
Long-Term Composite Image: 28-Aug-11 to 29-Nov-11 [more]
Comparison of historical and simulated sea surface salinity
Comparison of Historical and Simulated Sea Surface Salinity [more]
Average salinity from historical ship and buoy data
Average Salinity From Historical Ship and Buoy Data [more]
The Earth science satellites of NASA (2011)
The Earth Science Satellites of NASA (2011) [more]
Global map of ocean salinity
First Light Map [more]
Launch of Aquarius/SAC-D satellite
Launch of Aquarius/SAC-D Satellite [more]
Aquarius/SAC-D satellite in launch fairing
Aquarius/SAC-D Satellite in Launch Fairing [more]
Aquarius instrument at Vandenberg Air Force Base
Aquarius Instrument at Vandenberg Air Force Base [more]
Aquarius/SAC-D inside environmental test chamber
Aquarius/SAC-D Inside Environmental Test Chamber [more]
Aquarius/SAC-D outside environmental test chamber
Aquarius/SAC-D Outside Environmental Test Chamber [more]
Nine-month average composite global image of sea surface salinity
Long-Term Composite Image: 25-Aug-11 to 04-Jun-12 [more]
Aquarius/SAC-D - stowed and deployed configurations
Aquarius/SAC-D - Stowed and Deployed Configurations [more]
Aquarius instrument
Aquarius Instrument [more]
Evaporation and precipitation in the western hemisphere
Evaporation and Precipitation in the Western Hemisphere [more]
Annual mean surface salinity
Annual Mean Surface Salinity Data [more]
Visualization of Aquarius/SAC-D solar panels
Visualization of Aquarius/SAC-D Solar Panels [more]
Surface salinities of the oceans
Surface Salinities of the Oceans [more]
Aquarius/SAC-D in INVAP Clean Room
Aquarius/SAC-D in INVAP Clean Room [more]
Tropical Storm Lee
Aquarius Detects Possible Effects of Tropical Storm Lee [more]
Aquarius instrument in JPL Clean Room
Aquarius Instrument in JPL Clean Room [more]
Schematic diagram of Aquarius in deploy-ready mode
Schematic Diagram of Aquarius in Deploy-ready Mode [more]
Sea surface temperature of the Gulf Stream
Sea Surface Temperature of the Gulf Stream [more]
Aquarius/SAC-D illustration
Artist Depiction of Aquarius/SAC-D Observatory in Orbit [more]
Average historical sea surface salinity values
Global Sea Surface Salinity Values [more]
HMS Challenger
HMS Challenger [more]
Aquarius Prototype in C-130
Aquarius Prototype in C-130 [more]
Visualization of the Aquarius/SAC-D spacecraft
Visualization of the Aquarius/SAC-D Spacecraft [more]
Aquarius PI Gary Lagerloef standing in front of SAC-D
Aquarius PI Gary Lagerloef and the SAC-D Service Platform [more]
Historical surface salinity measurements
Historical Surface Salinity Measurements [more]
Average evaporation minus precipitation
Average Evaporation Minus Precipitation [more]
Water cycle effects on ocean salinity
Water Cycle Effects on Ocean Salinity [more]
Evaporation minus precipitation
Evaporation Minus Precipitation 1981-2002 [more]
Aquarius/SAC-D Observatory diagram
Aquarius/SAC-D Observatory Diagram [more]
Passive-Active L- and S-band (PALS) sensor - Aircraft validation
Passive-Active L- and S-Band (PALS) Sensor - Aircraft Validation [more]
Geophysical factors that need to be included in the retrieval of salinity form a sensor in space
Geophysical Contributions to Satellite Salinity Measurements [more]
CONAE service platform and instruments and the Aquarius satellite
CONAE and NASA Components of the Aquarius/SAC-D Observatory [more]
Aquarius instrument diagram
Aquarius Instrument Diagram [more]
Front view of the prototype salinity instrument PALS
Aquarius Prototype, PALS [more]
Mission operations center
Mission Operations Center, Córdoba, Argentina [more]
Command and telemetry antenna, Córdoba, Argentina
Command and Telemetry Antenna, Córdoba, Argentina [more]
Water cycle diagram
Water Cycle Diagram [more]
Global sea surface temperature values
Global Sea Surface Temperature Values [more]
Eddy Spotting - From Above and Below
Image of artwork
A Fresh Perspective
Salinity map
A Bellwether for Our Changing Water Cycle
Salt & the Wind
Salt & the Wind
Putting Together Salinity
Putting Together Salinity
The Saga of Sargassum
The Saga of Sargassum
Beaufort Bound!
Beaufort Bound!
Water Cycle Synergy
Ocean sunset
More Salt = Less Warming?
Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge
Salt, Saildrones, SMAP & ECCO
Salty Ties: Ocean Life
Rain over the ocean
Salty Ties: Water Cycle
Survey Our Salty Seas
Podcast icon
Impact of Climate Change on Ocean Chemistry Has Far Reaching Effects
Podcast icon
Mission Development Since the First Light Image
Podcast icon
Oceans and Climate Change
Podcast icon
Mapping the Salt of the Sea
Scenes from the JPL Clean Room
Scenes from the JPL Clean Room [more]
Observatory Integration and Testing
Observatory Integration and Testing [more]
Shipment to Sáo José dos Campos, Brazil
Shipment to Sáo José dos Campos, Brazil [more]
Final Environmental Testing
Final Environmental Testing [more]
Transport to Vandenburg AFB
Transport to Vandenburg AFB [more]
Observatory Integration
Observatory Integration [more]
Launch Activities
Launch Activities [more]
Aquarius Presentations
Aquarius Presentations [more]
Aquarius Pre-Launch Workshop
Aquarius Pre-Launch Workshop [more]
JPL Salinity Workshop
JPL Salinity Workshop [more]
Aquarius Scientist Receives International Award
Aquarius Scientist Receives International Award [more]
SPURS Field Campaign
SPURS Field Campaign [more]