Update from Aquarius PI Gary Lagerloef: Upcoming Events and V3.0 Data Release
Here are a few important reminders and updates to report:
1. The Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans) Special Section Deadline has been extended through February 2014. The call for papers for special section titled
Early scientific results from the salinity measuring satellites Aquarius/SAC-D and SMOS, will remain posted on the Wiley Online website. As a reminder, there is also a website where authors can voluntarily identify topics they plan to write about and add a preliminary abstract. There are now about 36 entries on the list, and about a dozen papers have been submitted and are in review. The informal list is intended to promote collaboration, minimize overlap, and help us all track what papers are likely to be submitted. The list will remain visible to anyone who visits the site. [This link is no longer available.] To make changes to your entry after it is submitted, please send an email to
David Carey.
2. The Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting was held 12-14 November 2013 in Buenos Aires Argentina. The program consisted of a series of plenary session covering science overviews, the latest algorithms for Aquarius and MWR sensors, and a series of excellent presentations on data validation and science results with Aquarius data, in addition to more technical splinter meetings.
3. Aquarius V3.0 data release. The project now plans to release Version 3.0 by the end of January 2014. This entails a number of technical improvements, including revised antenna pattern corrections, improved wind and roughness correction model and revised quality flags. One of the key developments is a new correction for the galaxy reflection that effectively eliminates the ascending-descending biases and the spurious quasi-seasonal signals we see in the V2.0 data. Testing and validation are still in process at a slower pace over the holidays. The new data will be accompanied with a revised error and validation analysis document.
4. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 (Honolulu, February 23-28). The program is completed for the special session on
Ocean Salinity and Water Cycle Variability and Change. The program has been set with three oral sessions (two on Wednesday morning, 26 February and one on Thursday morning, 27 February, as well as a poster session Wednesday 4-6pm. There is a total of 70 presentations (32 oral and 38 poster).
5. EGU General Assembly 2014 (Vienna, April 27 to May 2 2014). Two special sessions of interest:
OS1.5: Sea surface salinity variability: in situ and satellite observations; Convener: Gilles Reverdin; Co-Conveners: Jacqueline Boutin, Arnold L. Gordon.
HS6.2: SMOS: continuing to provide global soil moisture and ocean salinity data; Convener: Susanne Mecklenburg; Co-Conveners: Yann Kerr, Jordi Font, Manuel Martin-Neira. Abstracts are due 16 January 2014 at