Ocean Salinity Conference 2022

June 6-9, 2022

Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA

With over 100 participants, the Ocean Salinity Conference 2022 fostered scientific exchanges and collaborations in the broad community involved in ocean salinity science, applications, technology development, product services, and community building. This was part of a series of international salinity community meetings (Brest, France - 2013; Exeter, UK - 2014; Hamburg, Germany - 2015; Falmouth/MA, USA - 2017; and Paris, France - 2018). The group reviewed recent progress, identified knowledge and capability gaps, and charted the way forward to sustain and enhance the ocean salinity observing system as well as to maximize the value of the resulting measurements.

Agenda | Summary Report

Videos of talks are provided including PDFs of the presentation slides.

Posters are available as PDF files.

Note: ** Indicates minor audio issues with the video.
Date Title
[click on to view videos]
Speaker PDF
06-Jun-2022 Overview of NASA Ocean Salinity Science Team activities Nadya Vinogradova
NASA Headquarters
[PDF, 1.1 MB]
06-Jun-2022 **Overview of ESA salinity science/technology Roberto Sabia
European Space Agency - ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
[PDF, 7.8 MB]
06-Jun-2022 Tracking global ocean salinity through in situ observations: achievements and challenges Susan Wijffels
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
06-Jun-2022 Changing surface layer salinity, and where it matters most Arnold Gordon
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
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06-Jun-2022 The Bay of Bengal as a natural laboratory to study salinity variability and its impacts Jérôme Vialard
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
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06-Jun-2022 Salinity Stratified Barrier Layers in the Upper Ocean Janet Sprintall
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
[PDF, 2.4 MB]
06-Jun-2022 Ocean salinity, a key parameter to study land-sea linkages and river plumes Severine Fournier
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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06-Jun-2022 Influence of the Amazon-Orinoco discharge interannual variability on the western tropical Atlantic Manon Gévaudan
LEGOS, Toulouse, France
[PDF, 768 KB]
06-Jun-2022 Barrier Layers and Temperature Inversions in the Eastern Pacific Fresh Pool and Their Impact on the Heat and Freshwater Balance Shota Katsura
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
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06-Jun-2022 Bridging satellite and in-situ scales of rain-induced near-surface salinity stratification Elizabeth Thompson
NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
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06-Jun-2022 Influence of preexisting stratification and tropical rain modes on the mixed layer salinity response to rainfall Suneil Iyer
University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanography
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06-Jun-2022 The effect of rain on the sea surface Lisa Gassen
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
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06-Jun-2022 Evidence of large areas of stratified waters in the SMOS Sea Surface Salinity maps Estrella Olmedo
Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC-BEC)
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06-Jun-2022 Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the South Indian Ocean Sea Surface Salinity Maximum Frederick Bingham
University of North Carolina Wilmington, Center for Marine Science
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06-Jun-2022 Impacts of the 2019 strong IOD and monsoon events on Indian Ocean sea surface salinity Ebenezer Nyadjro
Mississippi State University
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06-Jun-2022 The geographical pattern of water cycle change evident from changes in ocean water masses Jan Zika (presented by Taimoor Sohail)
University of New South Wales, Sydney
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07-Jun-2022 Increase of the Atlantic-Pacific Salinity Contrast as the Ocean Water Cycle Intensifies Lisan Yu
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
07-Jun-2022 SO FRESH: The relevance of satellite SSS for study of freshwater fluxes in the Southern Ocean Estrella Olmedo
Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC-BEC)
07-Jun-2022 Predicting Terrestrial Precipitation with Ocean Salinity Ray Schmitt
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Salient Predictions, Inc.
07-Jun-2022 Skillful long-lead prediction of summertime heavy rainfall in US Midwest from sea surface salinity Laifang Li
Pennsylvania State University
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07-Jun-2022 **Surface Salinity interactions with Storms Nicolas Reul
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07-Jun-2022 Ocean Surface Salinity Response to Atmospheric River Precipitation in the California Current System Lauren Hoffman
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
[PDF, 401 KB]
07-Jun-2022 River freshwater fluxes and mesoscale dynamics in the South East Asia region Christophe Maes
[PDF, 2.8 MB]
07-Jun-2022 Sea water isotopes, salinity and the freshwater cycle, lessons from a LOCEAN database Gilles Reverdin
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07-Jun-2022 A material approach to the traditional water mass transformation framework Aqeel Piracha
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07-Jun-2022 **Impact of North Brazil Current rings on surface salinity and air-sea CO2 fluxes variability Léa Olivier
LOCEAN-IPSL, Sorbonne Université-CNRS-IRD-MNHN, Paris, France
[PDF, 1.2 MB]
07-Jun-2022 SMOS derived Colored Detrital Matter product in the Black Sea Cristina González-Haro
Institute of Marine Sciences, CSIC and Barcelona Expert Center
[PDF, 1.2 MB]
07-Jun-2022 Effect of rain-adjusted Aquarius and SMAP satellite sea surface salinity on ENSO Predictions Eric Hackert
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07-Jun-2022 **The role of sea surface salinity in extreme El Niño events Maya Chung
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
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07-Jun-2022 The spread of ocean heat uptake efficiency in CMIP6 models traced to ocean salinity Maofeng Liu
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami
[PDF, 911 KB]
07-Jun-2022 Coupling of global water and carbon cycles Allison Hogikyan
Princeton University Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program
07-Jun-2022 Identifying Tidally-generated Internal Waves in Salinity in the Bay of Bengal Subrahmanyam Bulusu
School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment, University of South Carolina
07-Jun-2022 Coastal Upwelling Limitation by Onshore Geostrophic Flow in the Gulf of Guinea & Niger River Plume Gael Alory
LEGOS, France
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08-Jun-2022 Models for the Dielectric Constant of Sea Water for Remote Sensing of Salinity: A Perspective David Le Vine
Goddard Space Flight Center
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08-Jun-2022 The NASA/RSS SMAP Salinity Version 5 Release Thomas Meissner (presented by Andrew Manaster)
Remote Sensing Systems
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08-Jun-2022 Satellite-based Time-Series of Sea Surface Salinity designed for Ocean and Climate Studies Jacqueline Boutin
[PDF, 1.9 MB]
08-Jun-2022 Matching up Satellite and In-Situ Measurements of Surface Salinity: Challenges and Solutions Julian Schanze
Earth and Space Research, Seattle, WA, USA
08-Jun-2022 Multi-mission satellite salinity evaluation and exploitation platform - Part 1 Sebastien Guimbard
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08-Jun-2022 Multi-mission satellite salinity evaluation and exploitation platform - Part 2 Sebastien Guimbard
08-Jun-2022 Sea surface salinity variability and error maps of satellite observations in the ITCZ Nina Hoareau
Institute of Marine Science (ICM-CSIC) Barcelona, Spain
[PDF, 545 KB]
08-Jun-2022 Arctic salinity processes and NASA’s upcoming SASSIE experiment Kyla Drushka
Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
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08-Jun-2022 Satellite salinity to monitor the freshwater fluxes in the Arctic Ocean Carolina Gabarro
Institute of Marine Science & BEC CSIC
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08-Jun-2022 Using SSS and colored detrital matter to characterize freshened surface layers in Kara & Laptev seas Marta Umbert
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08-Jun-2022 Surface salinity drawdown observed with satellite L-Band radiometers when sea ice melts Alexandre Supply
University of Brest, LOPS Laboratory, IUEM, UBO-CNRS-IRD-Ifremer
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08-Jun-2022 Causal Mechanism of Freshwater Content Change in the Beaufort Sea Ichiro Fukumori
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
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08-Jun-2022 Salinity Variability influenced by shelf-interior ocean interactions, Northeast Pacific & Bering Sea Scott Durski
Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
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08-Jun-2022 Using Saildrones to Validate Arctic Sea-Surface Salinity from the SMAP Satellite: Y-K Delta Use Case Jorge Vazquez
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology
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08-Jun-2022 Comparison of Surface and Subsurface Salinity within the Arctic and Beaufort Gyre Sarah Hall
School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment, University of South Carolina
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08-Jun-2022 Aquarius/SMAP OISSS: Global Patterns of SSS Variability from Ten Years of Satellite Data Oleg Melnichenko
International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii
[PDF, 1.9 MB]
08-Jun-2022 Time and length scales of sea surface salinity variability from satellite observations and TSG data Daling Li Yi
International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii
08-Jun-2022 Exploitation of Satellite Sea-surface Salinity Observations at NOAA Eric Bayler
NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications & Research (STAR)
[PDF, 1.1 MB]
08-Jun-2022 Operational Monitoring of Global Sea-Surface Salinity & Fresh Water Flux with In Situ and Satellite Pingping Xie
NOAA/NWS/NCEP Climate Prediction Center
[PDF, 1.1 MB]
08-Jun-2022 Ocean surface salinity estimation in Mercator Ocean global analysis: accuracy and future plans Elisabeth Remy
Mercator Ocean
[PDF, 1.8 MB]
08-Jun-2022 Potential applications of the SWOT mission to salinity science and applications Lee-Lueng Fu
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
08-Jun-2022 Enhanced spatial resolution of satellite salinity measurements: the SMOS High-resolution mission Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez
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08-Jun-2022 SMOS, Aquarius, SMAP... What’s Next? Shannon Brown
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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Ocean Salinity Conference 2022 Posters

Santha Akella
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Modeling near-surface SST and SSS variability: For Data Assimilation and Improved Seasonal Predictions
Giuseppe Aulicino 
Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Italy
Sea Surface Salinity in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean during the last two decades
Eric Bayler
Satellite Sea-surface Density
Jacqueline Boutin
Large mesoscale salinity features detected by SMOS and perspectives for next generation missions
Jacqueline Boutin
CATDS : SMOS L3/L4 products generation and dissemination
James Boyle
Western Connecticut State University
Comparison of in-situ measured near-surface salinity and temperature with satellite-derived data products during three North Atlantic Ocean partial transits on vessels of opportunity
Jess Caughtry
European Space Agency (ESA), Frascati, Italy
Temporal Evolution and Scaling Properties of Water Masses from Space
Nan-Hsun Chi
NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Lab
Space-time variability of rainfall forcing and surface salinity response in the Eastern Pacific Fresh Pool: A joint in situ and satellite analysis during the SPURS-2 field campaign
Oksana Chkrebtii
The Ohio State University
Detecting rainfall from sea surface salinity in the eastern tropical Pacific
Annette deCharon
What’s New on the "NASA Salinity" Website
Alina Dossa
Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE, Brazil) & Laboratoire d’Études en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS, France)
Global Analysis of Coastal Gradients of Sea Surface Salinity
Aina Garcia
On the optimal data processing of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity measurements
Veronica Gonzalez-Gambau
Barcelona Expert Center, Institute of Marine Sciences, CSIC
Oceanographic added-value of the first regional SMOS Sea Surface Salinity products over the Baltic Sea
Cristina Gonzalez Haro
Institute of Marine Sciences and Barcelona Expert Center, Barcelona, Spain
Exploring synergies between remote sensing products developed under the framework of ESA Baltic+ initiative: Sea Surface Salinity and Sea Level
Virendra Kumar Goswami
IIT & Environment and Peace Foundation
Physicochemical and spectroscopic methods for Remediation of Water Pollution by Catalytic Oxidants & Development of Climate and Ocean Forecasts Models (COFM)
Semyon Grodsky
University of Maryland, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Eastward propagating surface salinity anomalies in the tropical North Atlantic
O.J. Houndegnonto
University of Brest, IRD, CNRS, Ifremer, Laboratoire d’Océanographie Physique et Spatiale, Brest, France
On the formation of thermohaline stratification off Congo River plume
Yibo Jiang
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PODAAC Cloud Support for the NASA Satellite and In-situ Oceanographic Data
Yoonji Kim
Department of Statistics, The Ohio State University
Analysis of Seasonality in Sea Surface Salinity Balance Equation
Julia Levin
Rutgers University
Modeling study of surface salinity anomalies in the Gulf of Maine using backward dye release experiments
Xinfeng Liang
School of Marine Science and Policy, University of Delaware
Interannual Variability of the Mediterranean Overflow Water from 2005 to 2016
Chao Liu
School of Marine Science and Policy, University of Delaware
Increased Uncertainties of Salinity Variability from Multiple Objective Analyses Since 2016
Maofeng Liu
University of Miami
The linkages between the hydrological cycle, ocean salinity and transient climate change
Christophe Maes
Laboratoire d’Océanographie Physique et Spatiale
River freshwater fluxes and mesoscale dynamics in the South East Asia region
Marie Montero
Towards long-term (2002-present) reconstruction of northern Indian Ocean Sea Surface Salinity based on AMSR-E and L-band Radiometer data
Estrella Olmedo
Institute of Marine Sciences & Barcelona Expert Center
Ten years of dedicated SMOS Sea Surface Salinity maps in the Black Sea
Xavier Perrot
Sea surface salinity signature of an Agulhas ring from satellite data
Katrin Schroeder
CNR ISMAR, Venice, La Spezia, Trieste, Italy
Long term thermohaline changes at depth: examples from two Mediterranean Channels
Richard Justin Small
Relating observed surface and subducted Subantarctic Mode Water in temperature-salinity space
Taimoor Sohail
University of New South Wales
Observed poleward freshwater transport since 1970
Alexander Soloviev
Nova Southeastern University
Remote Sensing, In-Situ Observations, and High-Resolution Modeling of Low-Salinity Lenses in the Presence of Oil Slicks
Sandra Tippenhauer
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
High-precision calibration of salinity measurements
David Trossman
Louisiana State University
An Algorithm to Bias-correct and Transform Arctic Satellite-derived Skin Salinities into Bulk Surface Salinities
Vardis Tsontos
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
COVERAGE: Web-based Tools and Services for Integrated Support of NASA Satellite Salinity and Field Campaigns
Marta Umbert
Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
The contribution of the Vendée Globe Race to improved ocean surface information. A validation of the remotely sensed salinity in the sub-Antarctic zone
Cristofer Vargas
Chaffey College
Spatial Distributions of Ocean Salinity Along the Indian Coasts Using Satellite and In-situ data
Zhankun Wang
NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
NCEI Surface Underway Marine Database (SUMD) Initiative
Oliver Wurl
University of Oldenburg, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment
NorthSat-X: The North Sea from space - Using explainable artificial intelligence to improve satellite observations of climate change