Meetings: Documents

Meetings: 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting

February 16-21, 2020
San Diego, CA USA
The Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences and the larger ocean-connected community. As we approach the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, beginning in 2021, it is increasingly important to gather as a scientific community to raise awareness of the truly global dimension of the ocean, address environmental challenges, and set forth on a path towards a resilient planet.

There will be a salinity-focused session on Tuesday, 18-Feb-20: Ocean Salinity in Support of Scientific and Environmental Demands. This session will highlight the importance of salinity in oceanographic studies and environmental applications. Topics will include the role of salinity in enhancing our knowledge of Earth system interaction; linkages between the ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, and land, including hydrological and biogeochemical cycles; ocean circulation; and climate variability and predictability.

Documents: 37
Gentemann, C.L., Minnet, P.J., Steele, M., Vazquez, J., Tang, W., Hoyer, J., Skarpalezos, S., Zhang, C., Zhang, D., and Jenkins, R. [18-Feb-20]. In 2019 six Saildrones, autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs), completed a field campaign in the Arctic Ocean, collecting in situ measurements in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, focused on sampling the marginal ice zone and regions with strong Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) gradients.
Dac, D.N., Foltz, G.R., and Balaguru, K. [18-Feb-20]. In this study, based on long-term observations and an ocean reanalysis dataset from 2004-2017, we first investigate the possibility of retrieving upper-ocean stratification from surface data using a simple regression method. We then replace the in-situ sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS) with satellite observations to create a high-resolution upper-ocean stratification dataset.
Guimbard, S., Nicolas, R., Sabia, R., Herlédan, S., Hanna, Z.E.K., Collard, F., Mecklenburg, S., Laur, H., Lee, T., Schanze, J.J., and Shiffer, N.V. [18-Feb-20]. The SMOS Pilot Mission Exploitation Platform (Pi-MEP) for Salinity started as an ESA initiative to support and widen the uptake of Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission data over ocean.
Chi, J., DU, Y., Zhang, Y., Nie, X., Shi, P., and Qu, T. [18-Feb-20]. This study investigates the 2014/15 failed El Niño using salinity from an ocean general circulation model.
Kapit, J. and Schmitt, R.W. [18-Feb-20]. Through recent work, we have developed a new profiling technology based on measuring the optical refractive index of seawater, a parameter that is more closely related to density than is conductivity.
Supply, A., Boutin, J., Vergely, J-L., Kolodziejczyk, N., Reversion, G.P., and Tarasenko, A. [18-Feb-20]. Since 2010, the European Space Agency L-Band satellite, Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS), has provided sea surface salinity (SSS) maps of the global ocean. However, SSS retrieval at high latitudes remains a difficult task due to low sensitivity of L-Band measurements at low sea surface temperature (SST) and the presence of ice-inducing SSS biases.
Iyer, S. and Drushka, K. [18-Feb-20]. During the recent 2016 and 2017 SPURS-2 cruises to the eastern tropical Pacific, measurements of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate were collected from microstructure sensors at 37 cm depth from the ship-towed Surface Salinity Profiler (SSP). Atmospheric conditions varied significantly on the cruises and observations were made over a wide range of conditions. These data have been used to show that dissipation rates and near-surface mixing were dependent on atmospheric conditions, particularly wind speed.
Katsura, S. and Sprintall, J. [18-Feb-20]. Seasonality and formation of barrier layers (BLs) and associated temperature inversions (TIs) in the eastern tropical North Pacific were investigated using raw and gridded Argo profiling float data.
Alory, G., Loemba, D.P., DA-Allada, C., Djakoure, S., Dadou, I., and Jouanno, J. [18-Feb-20]. In this work, we investigate the role of salinity on the eastward extension of the Cape Three Points upwelling.
Martínez, J., Gabarró, C., Turiel, A., Ballabrera-Poy, J., Olmedo, E., González-Haro, C., Gonzalez-Gamba, V., Raj, R.P., Bertino, L., Xie, J., Catany, R., and Arias, M. [18-Feb-20]. The warming of the Arctic air is an increasingly frequent phenomenon. This fact steps up the melting of the Arctic ice increasing the freshwater fluxes in the Arctic ocean. This fact has important consequences because the Arctic freshwater has influence in the position of the jet stream and in the northern weather systems. Moreover their consequences are critical not only for climate but also for coastal communities.
Solovjev, A., Vanderplow, B., and Dean, C. [18-Feb-20]. We investigate the 3D dynamics of freshwater lenses using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools and field measurements in the Equatorial Pacific (TOCS) and the Gulf of Mexico (CARTHE).
Grodsky, S., Reul, N., Bentamy, A., Vandemark, D.C., and Guimbard, S. [18-Feb-20]. It is shown that absolute SSS retrievals exhibit up to 1psu biases in the eastern Mediterranean. This study's use of SMAP SSS anomaly mapping instead of absolute SSS illustrates that observed spatial/temporal SSS patterns allow investigation of time variable change in this basin and may augment the existing regional observing system.
Fournier, S., Lee, T., Tang, W., Steele, M., and Olmedo, E. [18-Feb-20]. In this work, we present an assessment of the quality of the different satellite SSS products against multiple in situ datasets and we provide an intercomparison of these different satellite SSS products. We use several "popular" satellite SSS products including the LOCEAN debiased v3 SMOS, the BEC v2 SMOS dedicated to the Arctic Ocean, the Aquarius v5, the Aquarius CAP v5, the SMAP RSS v3 and the SMAP JPL v4.2 SSS products.
Cunningham, S.A. and Gould, W.J. [18-Feb-20]. We have made the first comparisons between salinity data from the 1870s round-the-world voyages of HMS Challenger (1872-6) and SMS Gazelle (1874-6) and present-day values in the UK Hadley Centre EN4 data set (Good, Martin and Rayner, 2013).
Jacob, M.M., Drushka, K., Asher, W., and Jones, W.L. [18-Feb-20]. Here, we extend our previous investigation of rain-induced sea surface salinity stratification using our new High Resolution Rain Impact Model (HiRIM).
Hackert, E.C., Kovach, R.M., Molod, A., Borovikov, A., and Marshak, J. [18-Feb-20]. We assess the impact of satellite sea surface salinity (SSS) observations for improving near-surface dynamics within ocean reanalyses and how these impact dynamical ENSO forecasts.
Reagan, J.R., Seidov, D., and Boyer, T. [18-Feb-20]. This study advances on previous work by examining what kind of impact the SPNA hydrological cycle (namely evaporation minus precipitation [E-P]) has on salinity in multiple locations across the SPNA, and how its impact compares to advection on decadal (1985-1994, 1995-2004, and 2005-2017) to multi-decadal time scales (1985-2017).
Meissner, T., Wentz, F.J., Manaster, A., Vazquez, J., Grodsky, S., and Kao, H-Y. [18-Feb-20]. Salinity measurements from SMAP near the coast and sea-ice edge suffer from contamination by radiation from land and sea-ice surfaces that enter the SMAP antenna. We present a method to remove this contamination and thus improve the quality of the SMAP salinity in these areas.
Boyle, J.P. and Moria, J.J. [18-Feb-20]. This poster describes preliminary results from a laboratory experiment campaign performed at the University of Miami ASSIST wind-wave-current flume. These and other experiments are used to characterize the influence of physical processes (such as bubble plumes and rainfall) on salinity measurement.
Chandanpurkar, H.A., Wang, X., Lee, T., Zhang, H., Fenty, I.G., Fournier, S., Fukumori, I., Menemenlis, D., Reager, J.T., Wang, O., and Worden, J.R. [18-Feb-20]. Recently, a daily-varying discharge forcing dataset JRA55-do was developed to force ocean models. Here we use this global daily river discharge dataset to force a global MIT ocean general circulation model with spatial resolutions of approximately 13-33 km.
Rathore, S., Bindoff, N.L., Ummenhofer, C., Phillips, H.E., and Feng, M. [18-Feb-20]. In this study, we use singular value decomposition analysis (SVD) to demonstrate that the interannual to decadal variations of the prior season (July-September and September-November) SSS in the Indo-Pacific warm-pool covaries with the summer (December-February) rainfall of Australia. We show that on interannual timescales, summer rainfall in north-western to central Australia is linked with the prior season variations in SSS of the Indo-Pacific warm pool.
Barceló-Llull, B., Drushka, K., Gaube, P., and Penna, A.D. [18-Feb-20]. In this study we investigate the reconstruction of SSS fields at ~5 km scales from 25 km resolution gridded observations from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite.
Nicolas, S., Chapron, B., Grodsky, S., Guimbard, S., Kudryavtsev, V., Foltz, G.R., and Balaguru, K. [18-Feb-20]. The mean structure of the Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) response to Tropical Cyclone (TC) passage is determined using the data from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite missions.
Melnichenko, O., Hacker, P.W., and Müller, V. [18-Feb-20]. In this study, observations of SSS from NASA's SMAP, and ESA's SMOS satellite missions are evaluated to determine the extent to which the existing satellite data can be used to quantify and map eddy contributions to the ocean freshwater transport.
Chen, B., Qin, H., Chen, G., and Xue, H. [18-Feb-20]. Sea surface salinity (SSS) varies largely as a result of the evaporation-precipitation difference, indicating the source or sink of regional/global water vapor. This study identifies a relationship between the spring SSS in the tropical northwest Pacific (TNWP) and the summer rainfall of the East Asian monsoon region (EAMR) during 1980-2017.
Lijing, C. [18-Feb-20]. Ocean salinity is a vital indicator of the global hydrological cycle and its spatial gradients are likely amplified by global warming as a result of intensification of the hydrologic cycle. Sea surface salinity suggests a hydrological cycle intensification of 5~8% per Kelvin of global surface warming, however, the atmospheric evidence suggests much smaller rate of 1~3%, constrained by surface energy budget.
Yi, D.L., Melnichenko, O., Hacker, P.W., and Potemra, J.T. [18-Feb-20]. The South China Sea (SCS) is the largest marginal sea in the southeastern Asia and has tremendous oceanographic and climatic significance. Understanding and monitoring sea surface salinity (SSS) variability in the SCS is of crucial importance to understanding the SCS inter-ocean circulation and its role in climate and the hydrological cycle. Using newly available satellite observations of SSS, we provide, for the first time, a detailed and synoptic view of the spatiotemporal variability of SSS in the SCS and characterize dominant patterns of SSS variability.
Schanze, J.J., Springer, S.R., Thompson, E.J., Lagerloef, G.S.E, and Schmitt, R.W. [18-Feb-20]. In this study, we leverage concurrent salinity and meteorological observations from the Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study - 2 (SPURS-2) field program in a high-resolution model of upper ocean stratification following precipitation.
Vieira, F., Campos, E.J., Cavalcante, G., Abolish, M., Shahriar, S., and Mohamed, R. [18-Feb-20]. This paper will discuss the present day salt budget and results of twin experiments, in which the anthropogenic contribution to the salt budget in the Gulf is turned on and off.
Bayler, E.J., Reagan, J.R., and Boyer, T. [18-Feb-20]. This study employs satellite SST observations (NOAA's GOES-POES blended SST) and SSS observations (Aquarius) to explore the ocean's surface density at greater temporal/spatial resolution than previously possible.
Bingham, F., D'Addezio, J.M., Fournier, S., Zhang H., and Ulfsax, K. [18-Feb-20]. Satellites measuring sea surface salinity (SSS) have a large footprint, or area over which their antenna collects information. Variations of SSS within the footprint (or subfootprint variability, i.e. SFV) can complicate the determination of the accuracy of the measurement. In this work we have used a very high-resolution global model to study the size of SFV as a function as space, time and footprint size. We find substantial variations in the median SFV, with the largest values in areas such as the Gulf Stream, Brazil-Malvinas Confluence and Antarctic front. We find seasonal and hemispheric variations as well.
Feng, Y., Menemenlis, D., Xue, H., Liu, Z., and Xiu, P. [18-Feb-20]. In this study, we improved a globally configured 18-km resolution, eddy permitting model (ECCO2) from non-point river discharge input to point input.
Smith, R. and Vennell, R. [18-Feb-20]. Here, we will provide new insights into the seasonal variability of the Subtropical Front in the Tasman Sea, by synthesizing information derived from remotely sensed sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity products.
Kao, H-Y. and Lagerloef, G.S.E. [18-Feb-20]. Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Version 4.0 Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) data was released by Remote Sensing System in August 2019. The Salinity Validation Data System performed the assessment of SMAP SSS and showed great improvement in the recent version compared to Version 3.0, including lower biases globally and near the coastal regions.
L'Hegaret, P., de Marez, C., Morvan, M., Meunier, T., and Carton, X.J. [18-Feb-20]. Here, we develop a detection algorithm able to capture the full vertical structure of the outflows from the Persian Gulf and Red Sea, their lower and upper limits set as the local lows on the temperature vs salinity profiles, and their centers as the peaking value.
Umbert, M., Olmedo, E., González-Haro, C., Martínez, J., Isern-Fontanet, J., and Turiel, A. [18-Feb-20]. This study focuses on the Arctic Ocean, identified as a hotspot of climate change. Hotspot regions refer to most responsive regions to climate change based on the changes of regional mean and interannual variability of precipitation and air temperature (Giorgi 2006).
Liu, C., Liang, X., Chambers, D.P., and Ponte, R.M. [18-Feb-20]. During the Argo period, the salinity over the global ocean increases in the upper ocean since 2005 with large spatial variability. Using Argo-based gridded products and ocean state estimates from the project on Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO), an assessment of annual and interannual variability, and decadal changes in salinity in the upper 2000 m of the ocean was conducted to investigate the robust features and disagreements within two depth intervals (0-700 m and 700-2000 m), as well as at the sea surface.
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