Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio.
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ENSO Teleconnections in South East Asia
[28-Feb-2019] The 2015-2016 strong El Niño event brought changes to weather conditions across the globe that triggered regional infectious disease outbreaks, including mosquito-borne dengue fever in South East Asia. This visualization with corresponding multi-plot graph shows how Sea Surface Temperature anomalies in the equatorial Pacific Ocean (left), resulted in anomalous drought conditions (center) and increase in land surface temperatures (right) in South East Asia. During the 2015-2016 El Niño event, the South East Asia region received below than normal precipitation resulting in drier and warner than normal conditions, which increased the populations of mosquito vectors in urban areas, where there are open water storage containers providing ideal habitats for mosquito production. In addition, the higher than normal temperature on land shortens the maturation time of larvae to adult mosquitos and induces frequent blood feeding/biting of humans by mosquito vectors resulting in the amplification of dengue disease outbreaks over the South East Asia region. Read more
here. (00:00:34) Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio.
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